
Below you can explore the musical constellations that I work with as a bandleader or co-leader.

I play concerts and do workshops for all age groups with a bunch of wonderful musicians both in Denmark and internationally.

To see more about our children programmes please scroll further down on this page.

All bands are active and currently available for booking in 2023 and 2024. 

Our concerts are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation  


BonNoir trio

The international BonNoir Trio draw inspiration from Jazz, Blues and it’s roots in African Rhythm.  Simon, who is now based in Paris, plays traditional instruments from Burkina Faso.  Virtuoso percussionist Ayi Solomon, born and raised in Ghana, has lived in Denmark for more than 30 years, plays Djembe and Calabash. Danish tenor player Katrine Suwalski’s lyrical and powerful sax blends in beautifully with the acoustic Westafrican instruments.

The three musicians are all both composers and instrumentalists and they tour all over the world with their music. 

The music of BonNoir Trio is groovy and meditative with lots of space for improvisation and the magic and of the moment.

In July 2022 they released their first album MALA

Line up:
Simon Winse: Flute Peule, N’Goni, Vocal and L’Arc a bouche.
Katrine Suwalski: Saxophone, Flute, Vocal
Ayi Solomon: Percussion


Katrine Suwalski
Another World

The orchestra have played and toured regularly since 1994. Over the years They have released  five albums, presenting jazz compositions mainly by Katrine Suwalski.
The band features some of the best musicians of the Danish Jazz- and Worldmusic scene.
As a composer Katrine is inspired by great jazz composers such as Duke Ellington and Abdullah Ibrahim.

Line up:

Katrine Suwalski – Saxophone

Lis Wessberg – Trombone

Rikke Schelde – Piano/Vocal

Jens Skou Olsen – Bass

Ayi Solomon – Percussion

Benita Haastrup – Drums

Rhythm & Wind

Rhytm & Wind is an international collaboration between Danish saxophonist Katrine Suwalski and Ghanaian flutist Dela Botri.

The music explores the border between Jazz and West African drum music tradition. The West African rhythms that make up the jazz roots, come here in their acoustic form.

“Our idea is beyond finding a common musical language, bringing the rich rhythmic tradition into the future,” says Katrine and Dela.

The two met in Ghana in 2015 during one of Katrine’s visits. Since then, they have appeared as guest musicians in each other’s orchestras, both in Denmark and Ghana. In 2017/18 they started writing music together. A new music comprising percussion and horns, Rhythm & Wind.  Part of their music was released on the duo albums A Night in Accra (single 2017) and  Ghana Calling (2018).

When they perform the size of the band varies from 2-9 musicians, depending on the occasion.

During Cph Jazzfestival 2021 they appeared as a quartet with Ayi Solomon (GH) on percussion and Kora player from Senegal/Sweden Lamine Cissokho (Sen/S) on the Kora.

Line up:

Dela Botri (GH): Antenteben Flute, Percussion, Vocal

Katrine Suwalski (DK): Saxophone


During the corona curfew the duo produced a number of handheld videos presenting music from their newly released duo album Ghana Calling. 

Rhythm & Wind debut concert took place during Cph Jazzfestival 2018 where they presented a nonet consisting of leading musicians from Ghana, Denmark and Burkina Faso. See video here.

Watch videos in the ABOUT menu

Schmidt/Suwalski Duo

Schmidt/Suwalski Duo has played together and explored  musical ideas for decades, which is heard in their closely knit and playful interplay. They play a repertoire of original compositions mixed with a couple of standards in the line of Ellington, Monk ao
They released the album Little Boat in 2001, including also cello and percussion in some of the tunes.

In 2021 they played a concert at the impressive Icefjord Centre in Ilulissat, Greenland.

Line up:

Katrine Suwalski – Saxophone

Marie Schmidt – Piano


Katrine Suwalski Group

In 2020 Katrine Suwalski formed a new group experimenting with a more electric sound – now using electric keyboard and electric bass, with a focus on a vibrant groove combined with lyrical melodies and open improvised soundscapes.

Line up:
Katrine Suwalski: Saxophone, Flute, Vocal
Anders Gerup: Keyboard
Thomas Fonnesbæk: Bass
Anders Hvidberg: Percussion
Ayi Solomon: Percussion

Katrine Suwalski Group featuring Lamine Cissokho
 Steps Ahead, Roskilde, Denmark, February 2022


Vi har stor erfaring med at spille skole- og familie koncerter i forskellige konstellationer, og det er noget vi elsker!
Vi har i en årrække samarbejdet med LMS, Levende Musik i Skolen. Senest i  2022 med koncerten Trækfuglene, som vi også i foråret 22, har spillet for skolebørn i Paris


Den internationale BonNoir Trio formidler rendyrket musikglæde i upoleret form.
Publikum drager på stærke vinger med Trækfuglene afsted på den lange rejse til Afrika. På vejen møder de jægeren, den uopnåelige prinsesse Fatou m.fl. Musikken er kraftfuld og  lyrisk med masser af plads til øjeblikkets magi.
Musikerne kommer fra Burkina Faso, Ghana og Danmark og henter inspiration i traditionel musik fra Vestafrika, nordisk musik, blues og jazz. De spiller på et væld af usædvanlige instrumenter lige fra strengeinstrumenterne n’goni og l’arc a bouche til saxofon, fløjter og calabash.
Koncerten henvender sig til børn i alderen 3-10 år, men musikken kan nydes af alle aldersgrupper.
Line up:
Katrine Suwalski: Sax, Fløjte, Vokal
Simon Winse: Flute Peule, N’Goni, Vokal
Ayi Solomon: Percussion, Vokal, Dans


Tag med ud i Trylleskoven og syng, dans eller lyt til de medrivende sange og fantastiske rytmer.
Musik og tekster er af jazzsaxofonisten og komponisten Katrine Suwalski. Med sig har hun en suverænt sammenspillet gruppe bestående af: Benita Haastrup (Percussion), Ayi Solomon (Percussion og Dans), Rikke Schelde (Sang og Klaver) og Katrine Suwalski selv på Saxofon og Sang. Ved større koncerter har vi også kontrabassisten Jens Skou Olsen med i bandet
Musikken er frodig og levende. Vestafrikanske rytmer blandes med smukke melodier og lyriske tekster der er lige til at synge med på. I koncerten møder vi Trommetrolden, der drager ind til byen for at finde sig en menneskeven – og hendes tipoldefar fra Trylleskoven.
Historien retter sig primært mod de 3-8 årige. Musikken kan nydes af børn og voksne i alle aldre.
Lyt til albummet Trommetroldens Sange på Spotify her


 Sammen med tegneren Tea Bendix improviserer musikerne Katrine Suwalski (saxofoner, vokal) & Benita Haastrup (percussion, vokal) over børnenes drømme, som de har tegnet og hængt op umiddelbart inden koncerten. Tea tegner på en plexiglas plade mens musikken spiller. Det hele foregår i dialog med børnene.
Koncerten kræver mørklægning.
Line up:
Tea Bendix: Tegner
Katrine Suwalski: Sax & Vokal
Benita Haastrup: Percussion & Vokal


Line up
Katrine Suwalski: Saxofon
Rikke Schelde: Piano/Vokal
Jens Skou Olsen: Bas
Benita Haastrup: Trommer
Ayi Solomon: Percussion
Sammen skaber vi den verden vi lever i. Orkestret er en verden i verden, et fælleskab bygget på tillid, åbenhed,  respekt og samarbejde. Et frugtbart miljø hvor nye ideer vokser og kommer i spil.
Vi spiller for alle aldersgrupper
We’re all creating the the world we live in together.
The orchestra is a World in the World. A community based on intimacy, openness, respect and cooperation. A trust-based and positive environment from where new ideas evolve.
We play music for all age groups.