Katrine Suwalski

Saxophonist, composer and band leader

Katrine Suwalski

Saxophonist, composer and band leader


New Album

8/9 24 at 2-4 pm
KASOLA for Kids


Katrine Suwalski: Sax
Dawda Jobarteh: Kora
Ayi Solomon: Perc





SOMMERLADEN Concerts start again in May 2024. Welcome!

Opening Concert

26/5 24 at 3 pm: BonNoir Trio & Mamadou Soma
  1. set: SINI Dance performance w/ Mamadou SomaSimon Winsé (Burkina Faso)
  2. set: Concert with BonNoir Trio
Tickets & info:
16/6 24 at 3 pm: Rasmus Lüberth & Kristoffer Jul Duo
Tickets & info:

18/8 -24 at 3 pm:
Cathrine Legardh & Jacob Christoffersen Duo

Tickets and info:
1/9 24 at 3 pm: 

Jan Kaspersen Kvartet w. Simon Spang Hanssen

Tickets and info:
15/9 24 at 3 pm: Benita Haastrup & Music for Bees
Including a talk about Our Tiny Planet, by Bodil Harder
Tickets & info:

Press Release


The international Bonnoir Trio is working with the link between jazz and it’s roots in african rhythm.  They draw inspiration from traditional music from Westafrica, nordic music, blues and jazz. Simon plays bamboo flute, N’Goni, and L’Arc a bouche. Katrine plays saxophone and flute, Solomon plays Calabash and djembe. The three musicians are all composers and instrumentalists and they tour all over the world with their music.

Their music is powerful, meditative, lyrical and groovy with lots of space for improvisation.

Simon Winse vocalist, flutist, n’goni player, composer, originally from Burkina Faso but lives in Paris, where he leads his own group Dangada. He has released the CD Dangada (Gigantorium 2018).

Katrine Suwalski saxophonist, composer and front figure of her own group Another World. Co leader of Rhythm & Wind, together with Ghanaian flutist Dela botri. She has released ten CD’s in her own name.

Ayi Solomon percussion, composer. Grew up in Ghana, but has lived in Denmark for 30 years. He is a main figure at the Danish Jazz and World music scene. He is known from  musical cooperations with Palle Mikkelborg, New Jungle Orchestra, Randy Brecker and many more.



En ghanéen, le mot MALA signifie “Je vais chanter!”
Le BonNoir Trio puise ses racines dans la musique traditionelle de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, le blues et le jazz. Leur musique groovy et ouverte au monde, laisse une large place à l’improvisation et à la magie du moment.

Le BonNoir Trio joue ensemble depuis 2016, lorsque Katrine Suwalski (Danemark) et Simon Winse (Burkina Faso/France), se sont rencontrés sur une tournée avec le Há Orchestra au Ghana. C’est ainsi qu’ils ont débuté leur collaboration musicale. Puis Katrine a demandé à son ami de longue date, le percussioniste virtuose Ayi Solomon (Ghana/Danemark) de les rejoindre. Après plusieurs concerts au Danemark, en France et au Burkina Faso, le BonNoir Trio vous présente leur premier album MALA.



BonNoir Trio – MALA
Simon Winsé: Flute Peule, N’Goni, L’Arc a Bouche, Vocal
Katrine Suwalski: Saxophone, Vocal
Ayi Solomon: Percussion, Vocal

MALA betyder, på det ghanesiske sprog Ga: ”Jeg vil synge!”.

Den internationale BonNoir Trio spiller legende, groovy worldjazz på allerhøjeste niveau. Repertoiret er komponeret af trioens medlemmer. Sammen skaber de et lyrisk og kraftfuldt musikalsk univers, med inspiration fra Vestafrikansk musik, Blues og Jazz.

Trioen har siden 2016 spillet koncerter i ind og udland og er nu klar med deres første udgivelse: MALA (Gateway Music – katsuw 010)

Albummet MALA rummer en fin blanding af både vokal- og instrumentalnumre. De fire første numre er indspillet i Bogey studio i København, som også står for de resterende liveoptagelser fra en koncert i Støberiet på Nørrebro i den 13. november 2021.

Den danske jazzsaxofonist og komponist Katrine Suwalski, som i årtier har har arbejdet med inspiration fra Vestafrikansk musik, traf multiinstrumentalisten Simon Winse på en turné i Ghana. Simon Winse er fra Burkina Faso, men bor i Paris. De besluttede at starte et musikalsk samarbejde og Katrine Suwalski inviterede den herboende percussionist, Ayi Solomon (Ghana), til at være med.

De traditionelle akustiske instrumenter fra Vestafrika væves sammen med saxofonen ind i melodiske kompositioner og sange. BonNoir Trio præsenterer på albummet MALA en upoleret, smuk og sjælfuld musik.